Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Crime & Safety

     I think Calgary is safer than other cities in the world, especially my hometown. There's people commit crimes usually affect by poverty, as a result; theft often happens, but fortunately murder is very rarely in my home. However; the crime's rate in Calgary is low but their manners are dangerous, for example; murder and kidnapping of children. We can avoid crimes through not going out downtown during late night especially near Bars because most of crime here cause of drug and alcohol. Calgary is safety, but we should take care.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, unfortunately a lot of problems are caused by people who are abusing drugs and alcohol. We just have to use commons sense and avoid areas that might be dangerous at night.

    People who commit crimes there are usually affected by poverty, as a result;...

    Calgary is safe, but we should take care.
